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Did you know that the human body contains trillions of microorganisms, outnumbering our own human cells 10 to 1? We know it sounds scary, but it is actually good news. This is because the vast majority of the microorganisms within us actually play an important role in maintaining our physical and mental health.
Most of these microorganisms reside within our gut as a complex ecosystem of bacteria. A healthy gut contains mostly good bacteria, helping your body to digest food comfortably, properly absorb nutrients and ward off cancer.
Here are 4 foods and supplements that promote the growth of good bacteria and a healthy gut:
Wholegrain Bread
Wholegrain bread contains a lot of fibre, which is something the human body is unable to digest as we lack the enzymes needed to break it down. When we eat something fibrous (such as wholegrain bread) the fibre passes through the gastrointestinal tract intact. When it reaches the large intestine, it’s fermented by the gut microbiota which produces short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). SCFAs are beneficial to gut health because they provide our intestinal cells with a source of energy as well as maintaining the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract which is important or keeping harmful bacteria at bay.
Probiotics are a combination of live bacteria that live in your body. Bacteria is often viewed as something negative that makes you sick. However, you actually have two different kinds of bacteria – good bacteria and bad bacteria. Probiotics are made up of good bacteria which helps to keep your body healthy and working well by supporting your immune function. Yoghurt, alongside other fermented foods is a great source of probiotics and should not be overlooked during your weekly grocery shop.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Much of our food today is cooked in seed oils that have only been part of the human diet for the last 100 years. These oils are but not limited to Canola oil, Peanut Oil or Soybean Oil. Needless to say, none of these oils are particularly good for your health and are a big contributor to the rise in obesity and cardiovascular disease around the globe.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) on the other hand is about as healthy a fat as you can get, and has been a dietary staple to people within the Mediterranean for thousands of years.
Studies link EVOO to lowering risk of stroke and cancer to decreasing inflammation and indigestion. It also has a naturally high polyphenol content which feeds the good bacteria in your gut.
Emu Oil
Used by the Australian Aborigines for thousands of years as both medicine and a food source – Emu Oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. People who eat a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids have a greater bacterial diversity in their guts which can help lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure, as well as reduce bowel inflammation and discomfort.
Take full advantage of the health benefits of emu oil by incorporate a spoonful of 100% Pure Oil of Emu into your daily diet.