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Some people know winter is well and truly here when their arthritis starts acting up. Many people with arthritis swear by the pain in their joints as a predictor of cold and rainy weather. Sure, you can manage the pain with regular exercise, diet and over-the-counter pain relief, but when the winter weather sets in, you’ll probably face an extra joint-pain challenge. While studies are sparse and sometimes contradictory, there may even be some truth to the old wives’ tail that aching joints indicate a change in weather!
However, whether the point pain x weather connection is scientifically true or not, you can still use these 10 arthritis pain-relief tips when your aching joints act up in winter.
1. Dress Warmly
Keep aching hands warm with gloves, and add extra layers over knees and legs. Add leggings or tights under dresses and skirts, or wear thermals underneath your regular clothes.
2. Hydrate
Staying hydrated can help you stay active. Even mild dehydration might make you more sensitive to pain, according to results published in the September 2017 issue of Experimental Physiology.
3. Lose Weight
Some arthritis sufferers have found that as their physical activity levels went up, and their weight went down on the scales, their arthritis improved, even in cold weather. In fact, the 2013 article in Journal of the American Medical Association highlighted the significant improvement people with knee arthritis can get from weight loss, diet and exercise. Some people have found that taking emu oil daily (approximately 1 teaspoon a day) can help with weight loss due to its high content of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
4. Exercise Inside
While we all want to avoid winter chill, people with joint pain should still stay active. The less sedentary you are, the better your physical function, according to a study of knee arthritis in Arthritis Care & Research in March 2015. An indoor exercise plan such as a treadmill or elliptical trainer at home, or walking around your local shopping centre are great ways to keep active whilst being safe from the cold elements outside.
5. Warm Water
Let warm water comfort you this winter. Swimming in a heated pool is both great exercise and soothing to joints – win win! You can also get relief from warm baths. Tip: don’t just go right out into the cold after your bath, let your body temperate normalise first.
6. Supplement Vitamin D
Low levels of Vitamin D might play a role in how sensitive you are to arthritis pain, according to research in the 2015 issue of Pain Management. Being Vitamin D deficient raises the risk for osteoporosis. Particularly in winter months, you’re less likely to get enough Vitamin D from its natural source – sunlight – so talk to your doctor about supplements or Vitamin D fortified foods.
7. Stay Safe
The weather can turn wet, icy and cold outside in winter, and arthritis sufferers need to product their joints from further damage. If you’re going outside, wear supportive shoes with a good grip and try to walk on a surface that doesn’t look slippery.
8. Try Acupuncture
If you are willing to consider non-traditional treatments, you might find acupuncture relaxing and helpful. Acupuncture patients seem to derive some benefit with regard to pain, and they might find the processing relaxing and generally healthier, according to research in the 2015 issue of The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
9. Take Omega 3
Omega-3 fatty acids do have some benefit to treating arthritic symptoms, because they seem to reduce the level of inflammation. The Arthritis Foundation recommends up to 2.6 grams of fish oil capsules twice a day. Another great alternative is emu oil, which contains a variety of fatty acids including oleic (Omega-9), linolenic (Omega-3) and linoleic (Omega-6) oils. Emu Oil can be used as an omega 369 fatty acid supplement.
Emu oil’s anti-inflammatory properties can extend to easing arthritis pain and inflammation. Researchers in Australia found that topical emu oil applications reduced arthritis in rates.
Our Emu Spirit Oil of Emu Omega 369 Capsules contains 100% pure emu oil in a gelatin capsule.
10. Get a Massage
Indulge yourself this winter and get a massage! A lot of what’s happening in terms of pain is that some is emanating from the join and some from the muscles around the joint. Getting an hour-long massage once a week or at least eight weeks has shown to reduce pain, according to the 2015 research in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. That’s as good an excuse as any to book yourself in for a treat(ment)!
Try our Emu Spirit Arthritic & Muscular Rub for massages – it utilizes the superior unique penetrative and anti-inflammatory properties of Emu Spirit Oil of Emu and a blend of natural plant oils to provide great relief from the pain and stiffness of arthritis, muscle tension and sport injuries. Better yet, it contains 59% Oil of Emu, making it one of the highest concentration in the market and ensuring the product is extremely effective.
Tip: for your at-home massages, use the Emu Spirit Arthritic & Muscular Rub / Emu Spirit Oil of Emu or bring it along to your appointment and request your masseuse to use the Rub or Oil.